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Scranton Pa Dec 22/67


Dear Brother


I am sorry to be compeled to say that I’ve been rather neglectful of late in writing to you. So few of my letters reach you, and so long an interval elapses between your letters to me that I’m almost discouraged from writing at all. Only one letter have I had from you, and that about a year ago. For some eight or nine years I think none of our folks have heard from you since your letter to me.

I wrote to you in the fore part of the summer stating that Lucius had let me have this $500.00 he had of yours. I don’t recollect now whether I sent you a note or not. I know I thought of it, but can’t remember distinctly if I did. He only let me have $500, no interest on it.

I have built a house and am moved into it in one of the most pleasant localities of Scranton. I don’t know as I will ever get it paid for, for my business is completely dead now, and appears likely to continue so for some time to come. But I have this consolation that the property will sell for more than it cost at anytime, unless there should come a terrible crash and fall in values and even in that case. I think a fall in real estate here will only be temporary for this is a rapidly growing place and real estate is constantly advancing. When I came here there was a population of perhaps 1500, it now is not less than 30,000 and property in good localities commands a high price and I think always will.

Lucius has let his farm and moved into the village of Otego. I think it was a bad move. Our mother and Tempe I don’t imagine like the change much. Perhaps he will make it pay, but he will find it will cost a great deal more to live. I find it dear living in a town. We have four children and I don’t get through the year with the strictest economy, with less than $1000 to $1200. By the by we call our youngest George Whitfield so you see you have got a partial namesake.

Please write to me soon and don’t neglect it.

Truly your Brother


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