The Letters of Whitfield Chase
Otego Feb 4th 1876
Dear Brother
I have been thinking about you a great deal lately as we haven’t heard from you in a long long time and I will own up that I have been very negligent as I have only written you once since ma’s death. She told us to say to you not to give up writing because she was gone. It has been a very open winter, not much snow, no sleighing. Last night there was two or three inches fell but I should not wonder if it all thawed off before night.
Lucius experienced religion about a year ago and he and his wife joined the church. There is complaint of hard times and money is tight. There has been a good many failures - men that every one considered sound have become bankrupt and a good many have lost their little all in consequence. Ade lives in Louisville Ky. Elvira is here in Otego. She may possibly stay through the summer. Mrs. Nathan is dead so the old land marks one by one are removed. There is but few left in Otego that were here when you left. Root Follet has moved to Norwich, he failed nearly a year ago and his goods were sold at auction. It seems there is no end to excitement in Otego for a few days ago one of the best men in Otego ran away. The farmers had formed an association, put in stock and had a store. One, he was their agent, was trusted by every body. He went to N.Y. on business, was gone a number of days then wrote back that he was not coming back, that there was property enough to pay all the debts. Some think he has failed honest some think he is dishonest. Well I don’t know what to write for I don’t know what will interest you. O they have built a baptist church at Wells bridge on the other side of the river and there is talk of building a methodist church on this side of the river. There is two stores and a blacksmith’s shop and 8 or 10 houses. I suppose they think it is the hub.
Good bye
Now don’t neglect writing for we are very anxious to hear of your welfare. There is not a day nor an hour that I’m not thinking about you and wishing that I could hear from you and hear that you had accepted Christ for your Master then our whole family would meet again beyond the river.