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Otego Mar 27/88


Dear Brother


I’m ashamed that I have let so long a time intervene since receiving your very kind letter and have not written. It seems to me that my time has never been so completely occupied as it has been the past year. Indeed there has been no time that I can call my own. I take in sewing and if I think I’m going to have a little leisure, some one will bring a job that they must have right away, of course I must do it. Fred, Lucius’ youngest boy has been with me two winters attending school here. He has gone home now.

It is very lonely living alone - I do not know as I shall keep house much longer, but yet I may. Mary and Ade want me to live with them but Lucius’ health is so poor and the children think so much of coming to see me, I hate to break up but it would be a good deal easier for me to live with the girls.

Do you ever get letters from the girls? They complain that they cannot get anything from you.

Ade’s address is Chicago 4147 Berkeley Ave. Mary’s is Pleasant Valley Jo Davies Co. Ill.

I wish you could come and make us a visit this summer. We are all getting pretty well along in years and our time here will not be very long at the most. Lucius is not a bit well, he looks like a shadow but keeps around most of the time and works the greater part of the time. George, Lucius’ oldest has been talking of going to see you. What chance would there he of getting work - what pay? He has no trade but has painted some with his uncle.

I presume you remember Ann Carly? She is still living I think, they call her 99 years old, she is nearly helpless. Ben Carly and his wife are both dead. Avery Northrup and Almina are living in Franklin. George Reynolds is in Oneonta editing a paper. Has he sent you any?

We have had a cold March and some severe storms. To day looks like spring, the snow is nearly gone. Summer will soon be here.

How fast the time flies - I can hardly keep track of it, but it matters not if we improve the moments as they fly using them in God’s service.

Have you had letters from our cousin in Brooklyn? He has written a number of times and said he did not get an answer. We have told him all we knew about our family. I have not heard from him in a long time. I would like one of his books when he gets them finished. He wrote me that he had got the genealogy of the Chase family (our branch) back to Aquilla, he was one of the three brothers that came over from England and settled in the eastern states. Mary’s youngest son is in New York making comic pictures for publications - gets good pay. George’s oldest son is in a printing office.

Do not fail to come and make a visit this summer if possible. Write soon.

Your sister with love,

E.T. Chase

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