The Letters of Whitfield Chase
Scranton Jan 15th 1886
Dear Brother
I was very glad to get your letter after so long an interval. You have never informed me except incidentally as to the kind of place you have. The make of the surface, whether level or rough, how located, whether you have rain or have to depend on irrigation and whether you cultivate the soil or depend mainly on stock raising. I should be gratified to receive a descriptive message in that respect.
Ada is still in Chicago but they have removed from their former place. The address is now 1115 41st street.
I think I wrote you that I was a too “offensive partisan” to be retained in office under this reform administration although I have not meddled with politics for the last ten years except to vote and to express my opinions according to my conviction, but I had to go all the same for faithful, intelligent service counts for nothing when pitted against a “hungry and thirsty” Democrat, whether he knows anything or not.
My successor is the dumbest man I ever came across, that attempted to do business. He wished me to instruct him in the duties of his office, which I consented to do for a consideration, and for six months I have been faithfully striving to beat something into his obtuse brain with very meagre success. If I could not take my youngest boy - going on thirteen - and in less than a month teach him to know more about the work than my successor now knows, I would disown him.
There has been another great furor out West, this time about the great “Chase Fortune” but swelled to enormous proportions over all previous claims. $800,000,000 and 400,000 acres of land was the figure, but a recent communication from a Government official at London has put a damper on the whole thing, he writes that there is no such estate in England awaiting heirs.
We are having some of the coldest weather here I ever experienced, some thermometers reporting over 20 degrees below zero although mine only registered 10 below.
Although I am much better than I was two or three years ago and am very slowly improving, I do not ever expect to be entirely well again - though if I were several years younger probably I should wear out the complaint.
I am out of employment except what little I get from helping my successor and that can’t last much longer and I have not so far been able to get hold of anything that I can do.
I have nothing ahead expect my house and lot worth some $5000, but fortunately owe nothing and get some help from the children.
Your Brother
You don’t say where to address but as you head your letters Shuswap and is post marked the same, I address accordingly.