The Letters of Whitfield Chase
Otego Nov 29th 1874
Dear Brother
I have been thinking for three weeks I must write to Whit but I dreaded to for this is the bearer of hard news to you. Our mother has gone to her rest but she had a peaceful death. She has been quite feeble all summer. For about 4 weeks she was confined to the house but she walked about the house alone till Monday morning before she died Sunday. Then I took hold of her arm and helped her. She kept growing weaker day by day but was not confined to her bed at all. Saturday as late as three o’clock she walked into the bed room with Elvira’s help then after a little she wanted to know if Elvira could draw her out in her chair. E drew her out and she sat up quite a little while. About 4 o’clock I came down out of the back. I noticed she looked very tired - asked her if she wanted to go to bed. She sat up a few minutes longer and then said we might help her on the bed. She breathed very short. At first I thought it was nothing more than being so tired. I soon saw it was something more than that and we sent for Lucius. She revived up a little and talked a little through the night but she could not say much, she was so weak. She would say she was passing away. She was conscious till almost the last minute. A short time before her death she said that Lucius and Whitfield might seek their souls salvation. Not more than 10 minutes before she breathed her last I asked her if she wanted any thing. She said no she was ready to pass away. She died without a struggle. It is blessed to die when so ready to go. It was Sunday morning about 11 o’clock the 8th of November that her spirit took it’s flight from this world to a home in the skies. Dear brother, write to us. Don’t drop the correspondence because ma is gone. Two or three months ago ma told me when I wrote to Whitfield to say to him not to neglect writing to us after she should be taken away for we want to hear from you. I often resolve to write oftener to you but don’t get about it. That money you sent come all right. I’ve written to you about if before but thought I would mention it again.
Ade has moved to Louisville Ky. Elvira will stay here through the winter, perhaps longer. We are keeping house together while she stays.
(remainder missing)